BENEFITS: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is one of the most widely used geomembranes in the world due to its availability and relatively inexpensive material cost. HDPE is an excellent product for large applications that require UV and Ozone resistance, chemical resistance, or high-quality installations.
Landfill Liner and Caps
Gas Collection Covers
Waste Water Treatment Lagoons
Heap Leach Ponds
Animal Waste Lagoons
Irrigation Reservoirs
Mine Tailings
Canal Lining
The experts at International Cover Systems welcome the opportunity to be involved with your project from the very beginning. We can assist with design, product selection, installation and completion of your Geomembrane system.
Part of ICS’s process is evaluating each job or situation that a customer brings to the table and ensuring the right product is being used or specified. We have found countless situations where the right product was put in place of another and drastically helped the customer.
Request a quote below, and let us put our decades of expertise to work for you.
352 Earls Road
Middle River, MD 21220
Traverse City, Michigan
Copyright 2023 – ICS – International Cover Systems, Inc
Copyright 2023 – ICS – International Cover Systems, Inc